Double Tree Guest SuitesAnaheim Resort and Convention Center
The Loyola Institute for Spirituality's Hearts on Fire Celebration is an annual dinner and fundraiser. It provides an opportunity each spring to celebrate the work of the Institute and those who have contributed to it in many different ways, and an opportunity to increase financial support for the organization. If you or anyone you know is interested in attending this celebration,please contact the office and request an invitation. (714-997-9587)
Hearts on Fire Award: Bishop Gordon Bennett, S.J.
Writer's Award in Spirituality: Rev. James Martin, S.J.
Rosita Diaz Award: Mr. & Mrs. Eleuterio and Linda Rodriguez
The Loyola Institute for Spirituality's Hearts on Fire Celebration is an annual dinner and fundraiser. It provides an opportunity each spring to celebrate the work of the Institute and those who have contributed to it in many different ways, and an opportunity to increase financial support for the organization. If you or anyone you know is interested in attending this celebration,please contact the office and request an invitation. (714-997-9587)
Hearts on Fire Award: Bishop Gordon Bennett, S.J.
Writer's Award in Spirituality: Rev. James Martin, S.J.
Rosita Diaz Award: Mr. & Mrs. Eleuterio and Linda Rodriguez