From September 13-16, David Robinson, S.J., of the Loyola Institute was a participant in the second Regional Summer Seminar on Formation for Hispanic Ministry, held at Mission San Luis Rey in Oceanside. The group represented a number of dioceses and programs from Southern California and Nevada, and undertook a wide-ranging discussion of the critical issues facing those who minister to the Hispanic community in the areas of catechesis, spiritual formation, and parish/pastoral leadership, among others. The Seminar displayed the broad spirit of collaboration and collective creativity that infuses the plans and aspirations of so many who serve in Hispanic contexts. Initial plans were formulated for next-step projects and future conversations, in order to enhance cooperation across diocesan lines, and among geographically separated programs with similar goals. The spirit throughout was animated and optimistic, looking beyond the restrictions imposed by current budget and program limitations in order to nurture a rich future for Hispanic ministry and the evolution of diverse communities.