“The Spiritual Exercises” of St. Ignatius, presented in the form of the 19th Annotation Retreat for Daily Life, has begun for the new 2009/10 year. LIS has been blessed with a record number of retreatants who have committed to the 9-month program of daily scriptural prayer, weekly individual spiritual direction, and monthly group faith-sharing.
This year, 88 individuals have begun this life changing process, more than doubling the number of retreatants from last year! Of this number, 36 English speaking individuals will be a part of the Wednesday night group (27 are new to LIS and 9 are enrolled in the ISFP Program) and 8 Korean speaking retreatants will be meeting on Mondays. The Korean participation has been made possible by Associate Dr. Regina Hur, who painstakingly translated LIS’s 19th Annotation curriculum into her native language. Additionally, 44 retreatants are undertaking the Spiritual Exercises as part of the Los Angeles Archdiocese Diaconate Training Program. These participants (18 English speaking and 26 Spanish speaking) will attend groups located in Los Angeles.
All classes are directed by Sr. Barbra Ostheimer, S.N.D., Brother Charles Jackson, S.J., Fr. Stephen Corder, S.J., and a team of dedicated LIS Lay Associates.