Monday, August 30, 2010

The 19th Annotation Retreat at LIS

In September, 2010, a new 19th Annotation Retreat Group will commence at the Loyola Institute. This nine-month spiritual journey is a unique and transformative process that allows individuals to persevere in their day-to-day responsibilities, while guiding them along the path of spiritual growth and insight. Further information is available at the Loyola Institute website

A brief description is added below:

The Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life
(19th Annotation Retreat
“Extend your arms into the future. The best is yet to be.” -- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.

The 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola is a profound, transformative retreat experience that can be made over a period of nine months in daily life. This is a very practical way to make the full Spiritual Exercises without going away to a retreat center for thirty days in silence.

The retreat process begins with a period of preparation where the potential retreatant will be paired up with a spiritual guide for ongoing, monthly spiritual companioning sessions. This should begin several months prior to entering into the 19th Annotation retreat. The 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises will begin in September and last until June with weekly individual spiritual companioning sessions and monthly group conferences. The monthly group conferences are held at the Loyola Institute for Spirituality in Orange, CA.

Requirements for participation:

A desire to deepen one's prayer life and relationship with God
Individual weekly meetings with the spiritual guide when the Exercises start in September
One hour commitment of personal daily prayer with review and journaling
Attendance at all monthly group sessions